Powers and Exponentials Quiz Level 3
The following quiz is a measure of how well you have learned the material from the powers and exponentials sections of the Algebra Series (see the graph at the bottom of the page). If you cannot answer the questions, you should go back to those pages and review the material. Also, each question has feedback that suggests specific videos you can review.The Powers and Exponentials Quizzes are split into three levels, with the questions getting harder each level. It's suggested you start at Level 1 and work your way up.
Powers and Exponentials Quiz Level 1 Powers and Exponentials Quiz Level 2
Concept Questions
Directions: You should be able to answer the following questions after finishing the powers and exponentials sections of the Algebra Series. If you are not sure of the answers, you may need to revisit the material.
Are you able to explain the difference between a power expression and an exponential expression?
Are you able to explain the difference between exponential growth and exponential decay?
Are you able to describe situations where an equation involving power expressions will have no solution?
Are you able to describe situations where an equation involving exponential expressions will have no solution?
Are you able to describe the end-behavior of exponential growth or decay functions?
You have finished the Powers and Exponentials Quizzes!
Great Job! If you did well on all three quizzes and understand the concept questions, then you have finished this part of the Algebra Series!If you are working through the series in order, it is recommended that you go to the Logarithmic Functions section next.